This dress is absolutely beautiful! The quality is better than any "costume" I have ever seen, and the materials are so soft and comfortable, they are perfect for my daughter, who has sensory issues, and can't stand anything scratchy or rough. Based on the fact that some people had said it was a bit small for size, I got the next size up, but would have been fine with getting her true size. It is a bit big, but I was able to pin it in the back. At least I know that she will be able to enjoy this dress for a long time, as I am sure that it will last until she outgrows it, and we will be able to pass it on to someone else. The seller also did a great job of packing this dress. So many times, costumes come completely stuffed in a package, and wrinkled to death. This was packed with care, and placed in the perfect sized box. I will definitely be buying from Little Dreams again!